Tangles Events

Community - Events - Communication

Manage your community, its events and its communications

"Keeping young people safe should be the top priority of anyone working with them. It’s vital that the spaces they are in are safe and that the people they are in contact with are trustworthy" (National Youth Agency)

Tangles Events is a youth centric events management platform which offers a suite of features for youth leaders and community groups to plan, coordinate and deliver successful meetings and events safely and securely.

End users can access the platform via the web or via the full-featured mobile application which also provides a secure messaging platform and a safe environment in which participants can interact face to face and via secure communications


Your community


Build your community

  • Create your community, optionally using templates for common adult and youth communities
  • Invite and manage your members, community roles and identities
  • Record contact and other essential member information or just use Tangles chat to communicate with your members
  • Create an inventory list of equipment or stock items available for community use

Parents and Teams

  • Create community teams to help manage your members. Members can belong to as many teams as you need
  • For youth communities, manage and communicate with parents based on event participation, community teams or any adhoc group
  • Parents can control what younger members can sign up to and what personal information they can share, if any



Upcoming events

  • Let your community members see which events are coming up and which ones they are participating in
  • Communicate safely with event youth members or their parents prior to the start of the event
  • Allow event teams to work together, planning and collaborating before the event


  • Invite, verify and manage your participants before and during an event
  • Group your participants into teams based on existing community groupings or teams specifically for the event
  • Optionally allow participants to sign up to your event, automatically managing reserve lists
  • Allocate equipment or stock to an event from the community stores which particpants can then request on sign up.

Communicate safely

Tangles provides a safe environment in which members and event participants can interact face to face and via secure communications

Group chat bubbles for your community, your teams and your events


A safe environment for communication

  • Ensure individuals are who they say they are
  • Does not require participants to share personal information

Group communication

  • Communicate only for the duration of an organised event
  • All communications are visible to a group and are fully transparent
  • Group communication only


  • Management of adult and young person interaction
  • Enforce communication safeguarding rules for your community

System add-ons to support all your community and event based needs


Check-In Tools

Be event ready with our pre-check-in chats and lists. Verify member identity on arrival and be confident all facilitators and particpants have everything they need to make it a great event.



Use our forms to canvass members and event participants to gather information, feedback, new ideas and preferences. Community leads can use bespoke or system template forms provided.

Menu Final

Menu Planning

Plan food and mealtimes with a simple menu creation tool. System reporting flags the dietary needs of an event and notes the individual participants' requirements to support meal options.


Route Planning & Tracking

Create multi-layer maps to show waypoints, route planning and location tracking for hiking or orienteering. Manage access to location tracking by team or participant and view the map "live" during an event on the mobile app


Incident Reporting

Easy reporting tool to support the safety and welfare of event participants live in the field. Detail any incident that occurs during an event and record the actions taken directly on the participant record


Medication Administration

Simple system to record and administer medication for participants during an event. System reporting flags daily which participants need medication and whether it has already been administered, time stamped and by whom.